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International Wet Steam Modelling Project

Department of Engineering


The project has been completed by giving a presentation at the Wet Steam Conference in Prague in September 2016:

We want to say thank you to all the participants of this international collaboration!

The final paper can be downloaded here!

The "International Wet Steam Modelling Project" has been initialised to investigate and review the current state of wet steam modelling. The purpose of this collaboration is for different institutions and companies to share their computational results of wet steam nozzle calculations and their experience in the validation of wet steam solvers. A more detailed introduction including the motivation of this project can be found here!


  • Examine the strengths and weaknesses of current wet steam models
  • Clarify the influence of different numerical setups and assumptions
  • Compare different computational methods

Key points

  • Numerical grids and boundary conditions will be provided to the participants
  • Calculation of different nozzle flows with their particular wet steam models
  • Comparison of individual results and settings within a joint paper

Test cases

The chosen nozzle flows are well known test cases and have already used by most of the researchers to validate their wet steam solvers. However, in our opinion it is worthwhile to review them from the perspective of the proposed project. The selection covers typical low pressure condensation and also includes a single high pressure case. The data set of the literature test cases comprises pressure and droplet size measurements. In addition we suggest a new geometry for which there are no measurements. This virtual test case will be useful for a doubtless comparison of the numerical methods against each other.

  • Moses and Stein low pressure nozzle
  • Moore B low pressure nozzle
  • Virtual low pressure nozzle

The "Wet Steam Modelling Project" is intended to be an international collaborative project that is organised by the "Steam team" Cambridge. The participants should be aware that their results and information about their modelling setup will be compared to each other and a joint paper will be published. However, the participants can decide if they want to work on all test cases or just on a selection.

If you have any questions please contact Joerg Starzmann or Alexander White (